Hélder Moutinho
Helder Moutinho was born in 1969, in Oeiras, and it’s probably from this
daily intimacy with the sea that emerges the major characteristic of
this Fado singe.
Helena Tavares
Fadista popular, nascida na zona oriental de Lisboa em 1932 (será madrinha da marcha de Marvila desde 1970 até morrer).
Henrique Rêgo
Poeta popular, nasceu e morreu em Lisboa (1885-1963), cantador na
juventude, foi na poesia que se celebrizou, abordando temas bucólicos e
Hermínia Silva
Hermínia Silva, her full name being Hermínia Silva Leite Guerreiro, was
born at Hospital de São José, in Lisbon, at the Socorro district, on the
23 October 1907.