Cristina Gonçalves
Cristina Gonçalves, native of Massarelos Porto, was born on June 24, in the evening (dawn) of São Soão do Porto revelry.
Began in adolescence to learn music and always liked to sing various musical styles. It remained for years linked to coral groups, but the fado was his preferred style, the one he experienced at the age of 16, singing the “victory” at fado vadio.
Ever since, she’s been stuck in the national song forever. for years the circunstances of life did not let her walk on the tracks of the fado night, but she always sang it where it was possible, as José Luís Gordo’s poem says: “... and is free to sing anywhere...”.
She always loved fado and always had a fascination and admiration for his diva Amália Rodrigues, of whom is most of the repertoire he sings, as well Carlos do Carmo.
She sings it with nostalgia, passion, tenderness, or grit. she puts in all her poems the emotion and feeling that the poet wanted to give her.
She participated in the “fado choir” concert that took place at “Casa do Infante D. Henrique” in September 2012, within the scope of the “Maneuvers in Porto” project and in the “Alma do Fado” contest in Valongo, having been selected for the final.
It has performed and participated, on many fado nights all over the country. She was invited to the mythical “Casa da Mariquinhas” , Twin’s Baixa - Porto, Gallery Hostel, at Douro’s Bar-Restaurant in Vila Nova de Gaia where she was resident from 2013 to 2014.
It had many notable participations in the shows of the “Fado Different” and it has integrated the cast of great fado shows alongside prestigious fado artists of oPorto and Lisbon.
In 2013, due to the search by the listeners, to take their voice in digital record, released their first album. “Cristina Gonçalves live”, author’s edition. A work made of the result of live performances, where the repertoire of Amália Rodrigues predominates.
One of the most important milestones on the fado path he made was his fado baptism at the “Casa da Mariquinhas “ . an unforgettable evening for all present, a dinner and a night of memorable fate.
She stood several times in front of the television cameras, and took his fate across border
In June 2014 he released his second album, author’s edition, a recording of the studio “Quarta Vaga Produções”, which has the title “Porto meu”, which stand out poems by authors from northern Portugal, some talking about their hometown Porto, accompanied by Miguel Silva, the portuguese guitar by Lino Lobão and António Rodrigues, on bass Lino Lobão.
In the beginning of 2015 becomes resident, as well as took responsibility for the coordination and presentation of the nights of fado in the restaurants: “El Club restaurant “and “Quinta D. Curado”.
On 2 april 2016, accompanied by Miguel Silva on portuguese guitar and Lino Lobão on fado guitar, produced and was the protagonist of the Fado Concert that took place at the “Casa do Infante D. Henrique”commemorating the National Day of The Historical Centers in Porto, an invitation from the Municipal Council of Porto, considered by many as a high-level event as a whole. It stays in memory, as well as the records to remember.
In 2016, becomes the resident and logistic coordinator of fado nights in the “Terreirinho Restaurant, and in C. da A., as well as fadista in the bar/restaurant “Galleries of Paris”.
In June 2016 began a cycle of several concerts at the “La Vie – Porto baixa” shopping center, until 2018.
In 2019 she became resident, and coordinator of the logistics of fado nights at “La Cyta Restaurant”, which take place on a monthly basis.
In 2020, she returns as resident, presenter and coordinator of the fado nights of "Quinta D. Cured".
He sings, to free what his soul feels, both for the bad experiences of life and for the good.
Vibrates with the applause of the audience, which is, of all people, the greatest reward you can have. she will sing “until the voice gives her”, for all those who like to hear and applaud her.
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Adoro imenso ouvir-te cantar. A sua voz é muito linda.
Grande voz.
Já acompanho a Cristina à alguns anos, adoro a voz da Cristina.
Sempre que tem espetáculos estou lá.
Aconselho a todos que gostem de fado, estarem atentos à página da Cristina, para a poderem ouvir e quem sabe até contratar.
Sempre que tem espetáculos estou lá.
Aconselho a todos que gostem de fado, estarem atentos à página da Cristina, para a poderem ouvir e quem sabe até contratar.
Das várias atuações às quais tive a possibilidade de estar presente, a Cristina consegue sempre cativar o público com a sua forma de sentir e transmitir o Fado. Cada tema é expressado com alma, genuinidade e o carisma com que nos presenteia habitualmente.
Que continue a levar o seu Fado a bom porto, com toda a competência que lhe é característica.
Que continue a levar o seu Fado a bom porto, com toda a competência que lhe é característica.
Assisti à excelente produção e actuação a solo da Fadista Cristina Gonçalves, no dia 2 de Abril de 2016 comemorativo do " Dia dos Centros Históricos", na Casa do Infante na cidade do Porto, assumindo ela, a interpretação de Fados de Amália Rodrigues e Poetas do norte, já gravados no seu CD, evocando nomeadamente a Cidade do Porto.
Estou convicto que é uma interprete do Fado genuína e que muito dignifica as Fadistas do Porto.
Estou convicto que é uma interprete do Fado genuína e que muito dignifica as Fadistas do Porto.
Boa tarde, no passado dia 04.10.14 no ambito do projecto "Sábados com Fado" fiquei encantada com a sua voz,presença e forma de cantar. Assim como a relação que criou com o publico presente.
Foi com alguma surpresa que a encontrei neste site. Gostei muito de a ouvir numa visita que fiz a uma casa de fados no norte e onde a ouvi pela primeira vez. Fiquei emocionada e encantada com a sua voz.Tem a minha admiração.