Telmo Pires - Ser Fado
Records - Janeiro 26, 2016
The singer, poet and composer Telmo Pires releases, in February, the fifth album of his career, "Ser Fado".
In this album he crystallizes, in a mature and consistent way, his very own style of fado. A style that fights against the style of fado that predominates today, and is getting closer to the origins and the roots of tradition.
A style that lives mostly of voice, portuguese guitar and classic guitar, which brings together some of the great classics of the genre - but also opens sometimes to other instruments and non-traditional songs composed by Custódio Castelo, Davide Zaccaria or the revolutionary Alain Oulman, which opened new and adventurous ways to Amalia and fado. By Alain Oulman, Telmo Pires sings "As mãos que trago" and "Mal aventurado".
Album highlights are also an alternative version of the classic "Rosinha dos limões", and an absolute unpublished theme with music and original lyrics by António Variações, "Ao passar por Braga abaixo".
"Ser Fado" is the culmination of consistent and peculiar path of Telmo Pires, singer who was born in Tras-os-Montes and, having spent much of his life in Germany, came to Lisbon five years ago, leaving behind his "comfort zone" - the country that received him still a child and as an adult, gave him a successful career as a singer, with a regular circuit of concerts in Germany and neighboring countries such as Austria, Poland, Switzerland, Luxembourg or France - and throwing himself bravely in the hands of fate and the city mother of fado - Lisbon.