Why advertise at Portal do Fado?

Portal do Fado is the most visited website by amateurs, show promoters and tourists, always searching for the best information about Fado and Fado Houses.
Ads on Portal do Fado allow you to capture immediate business, thus making your activity profitable.
If you are interested in advertising at Portal do Fado please contact: This email address is being protected from spam bots, you need Javascript enabled to view it
Portal do Fado offers you the following advertising modalities (for other modalities and formats, contact us):
Medium Rectangle 385x410 px.
Big Rectangle*
up to 900x500 px.
Package 100.000 prints
Cost per print: 0,002€ |
Package 30.000 prints 300,00€ Cost per print: 0,01€ |
Sizes and positions
Click images to enlarge.* Big Rectangle is a large format advertising, which includes images or videos up to 900x500 pixels.
It always appears before any content.
It is ideal for fast consumer campaigns.
For more information about this format do not hesitate to contact us.